Monday 15 September 2014

The Health Benefits of Indoor Plants

House plants offer much more to our home or living space than just their beauty. They help filter and purify our air. Research indicates that air inside is much more polluted than outdoor air. A means to fix cleaning up the air in your living area is to have indoor plants. Plants release oxygen and take in Carbon dioxide. We need oxygen to breathe so we breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants and humans go well together because of this pattern.

Some of the benefits plants offer to the space is they counteract toxins within our air, oxygenate the air we breathe, Filter harmful chemicals found in common household items, and decrease mold. Research indicates that adding plants to hospital rooms speed up the recovery process, they can also decrease fatigue, assist with dry skin, and cure headaches. 

Breathe in more oxygen

While we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, plants, due to the natural procedure for Photosynthesis, take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Thus by continuing to keep some indoor plants, you are able to ensure an environment that is rich in oxygen content and good for your respiratory system.

In the night, though, plants, must, absorb oxygen and discharge carbon dioxide. However, there are special varieties like Orchids, Succulents and Epiphytic Bromeliads which do just the reverse, taking in co2 and releasing oxygen even during the night. These plants should thus be placed in bedrooms to restore nighttime bedroom quality of air.

Get Better Sleep at Night

Keeping Oxygen emitting plants like Gerbera Daisies can enrich your nighttime indoor environment with healthier air. Better quality of air will help you feel refreshed, lighter and healthier, leading to a more restful sleep during the night. And we are all aware of the advantages of a good night's sleep - from better concentration, prevention of onset of a host of chronic illnesses to a generally better mood and happier thoughts...the entire list being quite exhaustive.

Breathe in Cleaner Air

The indoor air stays virtually as it is - with all the contaminants trapped inside. So we keep breathing in the same air day in and day out along with the potentially harmful substances that are part of our enclosed environment.

Research shows that volatile organic compounds or VOCs can be found in different parts of our house / office by means of substances like formaldehyde (present in vinyl, rugs, cigarette smoke grocery bags) and benzene and trichloroethylene (found in artificially made fibers, paint, inks along with other solvents). Benzene is also to be found in libraries or study rooms where there are plenty of books and printed material. VOCs are specifically present in tightly climate-controlled, air conditioned buildings.

Use Natural Humidifiers to Offset Indoor Dryness

Another advantage of the natural system of photosynthesis in plants may be the release of water vapor or moisture, which boosts the humidity of the indoor air. Roughly speaking, plants can give off more than 95 per cent of the water that they absorb by means of water vapor.

High moisture content helps your body in fighting off several respiratory diseases, some quite chronic like Asthma. Placing multiple plants inside your living room will naturally soften the quality of air and ward off problems like colds, sore throats and dry coughs. High humidity air will also help in keeping the skin soft and supple in dry weather.

Mental Health Improvement

By means of color choices, feng shui, and shapes, plants can offer an inviting interior for when you're feeling down. Understanding that there is a living breathing thing that you should take care of gives a purpose in everyday life that may not have been there otherwise. Additionally, it can promote new ideas and moods.

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